Saturday 31 December 2011

Bring it on 2012!

What were your favourite things about this year? What are you looking forward to in 2012? We want to know what you think so comment below or email me at

I would like to thank all the amazing people that made the show possible today! I can't believe they agreed to help - so I am truly grateful.

I hope you enjoy the show its my very first and my very last post of 2011.

Happy New Year Everyone!

PS: The video will replace the above Ustream window by the 10th January hopefully.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas

Hi, just want to wish you a merry christmas.

Hope you had a great day,


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Saturday 24 December 2011

It's Christmas Eve

One more sleep until Christmas! Though to be honest I am looking forward to Boxing Day to since I am going to see my cousin for the first time in three years and my other cousin is getting married!

But what would christmas be without its songs. My favourite song has got to be Fairytale of New York just because I love the one verse.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Christmas Countdown

7 days until Christmas everybody! We have decided that the show will be going ahead and will be at 11:30 on New Years Eve. It will be about looking back on the amazing year that has been 2011. I will release more details soon but so far I have 3 guests and if you would like to be on the show apply here.

I would also like to thank Georgia Lycett for the design of our Winter Logo.


Saturday 10 December 2011


A New Perspective has just hit Facebook - Like our page today!

PS: Fill in the poll on the left!


Tuesday 6 December 2011

Make A Difference

So, coming up to christmas I have been doing my christmas shopping when I thought what about people that are way less fortunate then me. Corny, I know but true.

Imagine knowing your going to die at the age of 15. The fear. The pain. I can't but some people have to put up with this everyday. The Make-A-Wish foundation changes this, they have granted more than 7,000 magical wishes over 25 years. They know that their wishes transforms lives.

A statement taken from their website
Over 20,000 children in the UK are living with a life-threatening illness, a figure validated by research commissioned by Make-A-Wish. At a human level, we believe few things can be more important, or more deserving, than giving a seriously ill child the chance to have their wish come true, with all the hope, expectation and happiness that brings. 
This year alone 1,200 children will turn to us to have their special wish granted. And we want to grant a wish to every one of these.
I know most of my readers are minors themselves so of course don't have bank accounts but I know you have phones so text EASY99 followed by the amount you wish to donate to 70070 or visit my JustGiving page today.

Sunday 4 December 2011

The Big Question

This is probably one of my biggest questions, why? Because I really want to know the answer even though I already know it.

So the question, the biggest question of all time, why do you like bad boys/bad girls. Even celebrities admit it but I don't get it because then you moan about getting 'hurt'. So according to my research (I know I should totally buy myself a lab coat - I know I'm totally not funny, but tough) a guy setup two fake profiles on a dating site.

Profile A: This guy had a good job with a nice academic profile and background with a normal picture.
Profile B: This guy had no job with a terrible background with no hobbies but with a 'hot' picture.

You could guess who had the most requests, Profile B. So apparantly when your parents tell you looks aren't everything - they were lying. Now I'm not saying that if your aren't 'hot' you won't ever find people because looks aren't everything because remember its lust, not love at first sight.

UPDATE: Sorry I was going to have a poll but it doesn't appear to have worked - but I have put another poll on the right so please vote on that!


The One That Got Away

We all have that one person that we regret never trying with. The girl on the train? The boy in the park? The kangaroo in the zoo (I know I'm hilarious aren't I). But seriously we all have that deep regret that we burried deep within that wants to escape.

One day it will, but by then it will be too late and you can't do anything but hope and never make the same mistake again. Maybe a lot more dramatically but this video definitely sums it up.

And I know the person I really want to read this probably never will but on the slightest chance even if it's one in a billion, I'm sorry.


Saturday 3 December 2011


Hey, hope everyone is okay. I found one of P!nk's songs on Youtube and I instantly fell in love with it. The songs name is Perfect and I chose to post the clean version because personally I prefer it so the video is safe for everyone but it can be quite upsetting and does contain scenes of self harm so if you want to listen to the song just type it on Youtube.

The song is basically about perfection being in the eye of the beholder. There are some horrible people out there that will try and cut you down at every opportunity but whatever they say you've got to ignore them. One day you'll find that one person who keeps you happy or maybe you already have. Just grab onto them and don't let go.

P!nk says the song is about accepting yourself and others. Its music video, directed by longtime collaborator Dave Meyers, delivers a controversial message against depressionself-mutilation and suicide. In November 2011, the song garnered a Grammy Awardnomination for Best Pop Solo Performance.

If you ever need help, I'll help you no matter what.

Sunday 27 November 2011

The Chimpanzee and the Tiger

I can't believe I didn't write about this sooner. OK, back story - in my room I have an old news paper cutting of this beautiful picture. And on this picture is a chimpanzee and a white tiger cub.chimp and tiger
It's an incredibly sweet picture compared to the sour story that is written with it.

The two tiger cubs were separated from the mother at birth due to a hurricane and floods. However they have now found a surrogate mother in form of a two year old (that was in 2008) chimpanzee called Anjana. The pictures would melt even the most cold hearted of folk.

But now you are thinking "Why the heck are you posting these pictures that was 3 years ago", well I was looking on the Internet and guess what I found. The two little tiger cubs all grown up.anjana the chimp
The pictures reminds me of a human relationship so much considering that the tigers are now bigger then there Mom.


Saturday 19 November 2011

Can you see spots?


I stayed up until 2AM this morning so I could watch the Children in Need show on BBC 1. It was amazing, with many famous names such as Matt Cardle and Adele, I totally love Adele.


I’m not old enough to ring in unfortunately but what I was old enough to do was to donate money to Children in Need through my school. The school also did a show for Children in Need and all the profit’s were donated to Children in Need. Hope you enjoyed the show and saw spots.


PS: I think I’m going to set a charity sponsorship  page up so I can do an even bigger bit for charity, so I’ll keep you updates.

Sunday 13 November 2011

A Field of Poppies

 On the Eleventh Hour of the Eleventh Day of the Eleventh Month the treaty to end World War I was signed.

This post has been published automatically so I could still pay my respects to those who have died defending the innocent. I think it’s amazing that people want to be able to defend strangers, to defend their friends, to defend their family and to defend their country. For two minutes, on the second Sunday of November, Britain will fall silent to pay respects to those who have died in the name of their country. I too will be paying my tributes at my local cenotaph, as the Queen will be paying hers as Whitehall, London.

The First Two Minute Silence in London (11th November 1919) as reported in the Manchester Guardian, 12th November 1919.

'The first stroke of eleven produced a magical effect.
The tram cars glided into stillness, motors ceased to cough and fume, and stopped dead, and the mighty-limbed dray horses hunched back upon their loads and stopped also, seeming to do it of their own will. Someone took off his hat, and with a nervous hesitancy the rest of the men bowed their heads also.

Here and there an old soldier could be detected slipping unconsciously into the posture of 'attention'. An elderly woman, not far away, wiped her eyes, and the man beside her looked white and stern. Everyone stood very still... The hush deepened. It had spread over the whole city and become so pronounced as to impress one with a sense of audibility. It was a silence which was almost pain... And the spirit of memory brooded over it all.'
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them."

      -Fourth Stanza from the poem For the Fallen
With all respects,

Thursday 10 November 2011

I feel all professional!

Hey, I just wanted to tell everyone that I have fully integrated my technology to the blog, this includes my tablet PC and my iPod.

I have also connected my emails to my phone so I can read them on the go and I have installed numerous security filters to them, in case you didn't know the blogs email is


Sunday 6 November 2011

Bonfire Night

I hope everyone had a really good bonfire night. I did it was really great with the cubs/scouts.

I was in charge of setting off fireworks but I was with an adult so I was fine before anyone gets protective and starts freaking out.

My highlights of the Camp were probably
1) being told to watch for the evil bunny rabbits of doom by a twelve year old.
2) having my student of comebacks completely own a seventeen year old who of course had been deprived of sex for a long while, considering he asked a thirteen year old where the pussy was.

My "student" responded by telling him that his cat was at home and was called Mr Sniggles, the look on the lads face was priceless I would have whipped out my camera if it hadn't of been to dark.


Monday 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween

Hey guys,

Yeah it's time to get those pumpkins lit, put the garlic around your neck and call the ghost busters because kids all over the world are out trick or treating. I never went trick or treating when I was younger and I do sometimes wish I was allowed because what people forget is that Halloween isn't really about sweets its about going out with your friends and having fun.

So I hope you have a great Halloween and I'm going to say goodbye with the greatest Halloween song of all time, yeah I don't even to write it down for you to know what it is.


Sunday 30 October 2011


Hey guys,

I'm not going to write a lot but I just wanted to tell everyone that read last nights blog that I went to watch Real Steal and it was really good!

I also wanted to say when I am relaxing there is nothing better then reading a book whilst listening to music, so if your life had to be based on a book or film what would it be? Comment or send me an eMail I really want to know.

Saturday 29 October 2011

Les Films

To be honest I don't know why I wrote the title in French I suppose it looks a bit more interesting?

Anyway this week (being the holidays!) I have had quite a lot of free time and therefore decided to watch some movie (and I watching on tonight with my friends I'll tell you if it's good), but these are my top three, in no particular order.

Lemonade Mouth
The typical, cheesy Disney movie. But it's Disney so I can't say I don't like it I mean all Disney movies are cheesy. It's about a high school band and how they stood up and fought for what they wanted. Oh and it's
a sort of musical.

Easy A
This film is amazing, it's loosely based on the "Scarlet Letter" where a girl, who cares too much for other people, allows people to say that she's had sex with them. Starting with her friend Brandon, who is gay, hoping that people will leave him alone and soon helping anyone who asks. If you get the chance to watch it - watch it!

I am Number 4

I might have to say that this is probably my favourite of the films, but the others are still amazing, starring British actor Alex Pettyfer and Glee's Dianna Argon. Although for some "older" generations it might be a bit complicated anyone with an active mind and imagination can easily grasp the awesomeness (yes that is the correct scientific term) of the movie. You have to watch this, no you don't have a choice about it. And Dreamworks, yeah I'm talking to you, you better make a sequel or I
am going to be knocking on your door in a very bad mood!

Hope you had a nice week, got to go, I'm going to the cinema!


Monday 24 October 2011

I Love Hate Groups

Read the entire post before making your judgement,

Recently I have found a new love... hate groups, yes I'm talking about people like the Ku Klux Klan (the people that accidentally dyed their wizard robes the wrong colour) and my favourite the Westboro Baptist Church.
Main Image


Why do I love them? Because it's so much fun when they get utterly humiliated on TV. Now just because how much I have loved writing this post I am going to ask you to get together with your friends saying to make a COMEDY video about the Westboro Baptist Church or the Ku Klux Klan and send it to me at (which is an e-mail account directly linked to my computer) and I will post them on Youtube. Make sure to leave your name.

Hope you enjoyed the post - I did. 

PS: If you have condemned to hell by the Westboro Baptist Church don't worry you'll have to company of
  1. Michael Jackson
  2. Haiti
  3. Sweden
  4. Barack Obama
  5. Steve Jobs (Apple)
  6. The Catholic Church
  7. Israel
  8. Heath Ledger (Joker from Batman)
  9. Lady Gaga
  10. Soldiers
  11. Elizabeth Edwards (Lawyer, Author - Google her I think she is very inspirational)
  12. Geeks
So basically anyone who has ever supported gay rights, disagreed with them. So don't worry you won't get lonely in fact in my opinion hell will be like a night club with all the amazing singers and actors, so have fun and dance the night away.


Saturday 22 October 2011


Hey, I know I have already posted today but according to my stats I have quite a lot of INTERNATIONAL viewers, so if you are one of them - I think you're amazing.

If you have any tips for improving the blog tell me and I am wondering how you found the blog so just leave a comment below I appreciate it.


This' going on my christmas list!

Hi guys, sorry I couldn't post last week I was busy with personal stuff and then I was busy with school stuff and then I was busy doing some other stuff (which I might tell you about in a later post, oh the suspense). So yeah basically I was doing a lot of stuff.

Now if you didn't know I love computers, that sounds really sad, but anyway as part of this love I also love robotics. So when you combine robotics and AI I fall in love.

This real looking seal (with I admit rather strange eye lashes) is designed by a Japanese company and "Paro" is designed to respond to petting by moving its tail, opening and closing its eyes, and making seal-like noises. It can also respond to sounds, learn a name, and show emotions. All of these features are designed to have a calming effect on humans.

And the best thing is it will only costs $5, 531 or £3, 518. I know I am putting this on my Christmas list.

See you soon folks,


PS: I will be changing my blog posting days to Saturday from now on because I have more time.

Friday 7 October 2011


  "Never give up. And never, under any circumstances, face the facts. "
        -Ruth Gordon

Yes I know I am posting later then I normally do, but it suits my theme perfectly. About a year ago I went skating with my friends when I discovered I really enjoyed it. So I stuck at it. At first I was terrible and couldn't stand up, now I am proud to say on a good day I can do a three jump.

So what I am trying to say is that I love doing stuff that people say I shouldn't do or that I can't do, because it gives me greater satisfaction when I can shove it in there face and say I told you so. So the moral to this short post is DON'T GIVE UP.

No matter what people say or think do what you want, and do it well.


Friday 30 September 2011

Why I love animals

One thing I don't get about people (and not all of them) is their attitude towards animals. Now personally I adore animals, but some people believe that humans are dominant and that all others should stay at our feet.

In Cape Town, Africa (30th September 2011) Micheal Cohen was attacked by a shark (and is currently still in a critical condition) however several witness' stated that they saw a seal circling the man attempting to ward of the shark. At this point the water would have been full of blood and we all know how much sharks love blood and yet the seal stayed with the man until he was pulled from the water.

In New Zealand (30th October 2004) a pod of dolphins also protected several lifeguards (1 Male, 3 Female) from a shark attack. The following clippet has been taken from the CBC News Website

About halfway through the swim, a pod of dolphins "came steaming at us" and started circling, startling the swimmers, he said. The dolphins bunched the four swimmers together by circling about 4-8 centimetres from them, and slapping the water with their tails for about 40 minutes. One large dolphin became agitated and submerged toward Howes, who turned to see where it would surface. That, he says, is when he saw a great white shark about two metres away in the beach's crystal clear waters. When the shark started moving toward the women, including his 15-year-old daughter, the dolphins "went into hyperdrive," said Howes.
"I would suggest they were creating a confusion screen around the girls. It was just a mass of fins, backs and ... human heads." The shark left as a rescue boat neared, but the dolphins remained close by as the group swam back to shore. At no point did the shark break the surface of the water, remaining near the bottom, he said.

  -CBC Website

If you want more stories like this then this is an amazing website (Click here). But next time you think that an animal is beneath you and is good for nothing - I'd like to tell you, you're wrong.


Friday 23 September 2011


I wasn't really going to write something like this, but I feel I have to, for everyone out there that has had it done to them.

Yes, I'm talking about when someone tries to take the pee. I mean really dude, no one is lauging (and if they are then to be honest I probably don't care what they think) so save yourself some dignity and SHUT UP! To be perfectly honest I don't really care what you think of me - so ssh! And what annoys me more when you know someone that is really nice and they get cut down at every turn because someone doesn't like them.

So what I'm really trying to say, give someone a break and just leave someone alone. And finally people, don't change who your as a person because of what someone says, because as Dr Seuss once said

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind, don't matter, and those who matter, don't mind.”

Thanks guys for sticking with me,


Friday 16 September 2011

Shakespeare is a twit...

Every English students worse nightmare, the babbling nonsense of Mr. William Shakespeare.

Now don't get me wrong I love Shakespeare I would happily go to watch one of his plays but come on if most of your audience was idiots why would use language that's so advanced?

Well I know why but my English assessment would be a lot easier to write if he had considered me! If someone ever invents a time machine please send a copy of my blog to him - I would be most grateful.

So if you've got an English essay coming up about Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, or any other exams, good luck and remember - Kris believes in you!


Wednesday 14 September 2011


Hi guys! If you know me then you probably know that I think Taylor Swift is amazing. Has anyone heard Taylor Swift song from her album "Speak Now"?

If you haven't then you have to listen to it below...

The song is not only catchy but most school kids will be able to relate to it (and it's true, trust me). I certainly can. Feel free to leave your comments below, I promise to read all of them or you can just send me an e-mail at

Thanks your amazing for reading the blog by the way!!!



Hi everyone, I've never wrote a blog before - so I might fail horribly. But regardless I'm trying anyway, at this moment in time I'm completely unprepared. I'm going to write what I feel and just let the flower bloom.

If your already in love with the blog then you can become a follower, this site will be built on you so I rely on your support.

Peace out.
