Tuesday 6 December 2011

Make A Difference

So, coming up to christmas I have been doing my christmas shopping when I thought what about people that are way less fortunate then me. Corny, I know but true.

Imagine knowing your going to die at the age of 15. The fear. The pain. I can't but some people have to put up with this everyday. The Make-A-Wish foundation changes this, they have granted more than 7,000 magical wishes over 25 years. They know that their wishes transforms lives.

A statement taken from their website
Over 20,000 children in the UK are living with a life-threatening illness, a figure validated by research commissioned by Make-A-Wish. At a human level, we believe few things can be more important, or more deserving, than giving a seriously ill child the chance to have their wish come true, with all the hope, expectation and happiness that brings. 
This year alone 1,200 children will turn to us to have their special wish granted. And we want to grant a wish to every one of these.
I know most of my readers are minors themselves so of course don't have bank accounts but I know you have phones so text EASY99 followed by the amount you wish to donate to 70070 or visit my JustGiving page today.