Yeah, I know you all want to learn how to become a pro at dating like me. Just in case you didn't notice that was sarcasm, I'm not a pro at dating I am not going to pretend to be.
But me not being in relationships has allowed me to notice things that other people might of missed, so this is Kris' Top 10 Tips for Guys and Gals. This is just supposed to be for fun I wouldn't listen to everything I say and certainly don't take offence at it.
But me not being in relationships has allowed me to notice things that other people might of missed, so this is Kris' Top 10 Tips for Guys and Gals. This is just supposed to be for fun I wouldn't listen to everything I say and certainly don't take offence at it.
For Girls
1. Guys, even if they aren't, want to feel manly and when you know how to make them feel like that they will love it.
- 2. You may not know this since you aren't a guy but guys are just as self-conscious as girls, except they don't admit it. When you turn them down and they suddenly start to insult you to their friends its actually self-preservation kicking in; they don't want to find a fault in themselves so they find it in you.
3. Girls, do you know how angry/sad you get when your guy looks at another girl they feel exactly the same way when you look at another guy. So don't do it.
4. You can't expect your boyfriend to stop hanging around with his friends because guess what they're his friends. That also includes a girl who he's friends with because even though a guy has a friend who's a girl that doesn't mean they are sneaking around behind your back because for all you know she might be the one who helps get on with you.
5. If you don't want a boyfriend who's a 'player', it's quite simple don't date one.
For Guys
2. When a girl says you don't have to get me anything (for her birthday or Christmas ect.) what she is really saying is that I want you to get me something but not because you have to but because you want to.
3. Again another shocker, staring isn't as bad as touching another girl (lets say her name is Girl B) but it hurts the same because the girl (Girl A) will instantly compare herself to the girl (Girl B) you were staring at. She will spend forever trying to figure out what she (Girl B) has that she (Girl A) doesn't.
4. Your girlfriend is still going to be the same girl as she was before; don't expect her to stop doing what she enjoys, if she liked shopping she still will, if she liked football she still will - don't expect her to change and don't try and make her.
5. Don't insult her - you'd think this would be obvious and yet you still hear some people saying that their girlfriend is too fat or any other rubbish you think of. May I just say that also mean's that girls shouldn't say the things to her boyfriend.
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