Saturday, 31 March 2012

Loose Tooth

Oh yeah - actually this is a serious post. I have a loose tooth at the moment and it is so annoying but one of my friends at school decided that when she had a loose tooth she stapled it - a bit of advice don't and in films where they tie a string to a toaster and throw it down the stairs it hurts so don't.

So the moral of the story is it will happen when its ready and that's the same for everything else in life so just be patient.

There was a salesman called Ramesh in Kerala, a state in the southern part of India. He was honest, polite and hard working. It was the month of June (start of monsoon in Kerala) when he got his first assignment in his new office. He was given the a list of people whom he has to approach and sell the product.
Surprisingly he realized that the list is full of local Kerelean laundry owners. He got scared and thought he won’t be able to achieve the desired target.

He approached his senior, Monty, but got no much help. So the next day he started approaching the laundry owners and within 15 days he got some really nice response. Almost 80% of them purchased his product but on loan and everyone promised to pay him off within the next 15 days. He was very happy as he knew that his job is almost done! But he didn’t knew that the next one month was going to be tougher than what he was thinking of.

On the last week of June amidst heavy showers he started visiting the laundry owner’s place to collect money. Upon visiting half of them he realized he had not collected a single penny. And the same trend continued for the next 7 days. He was frustrated, demoralized, impatient and so was his senior Monty.

Ramesh explained everything to Monty including peculiar behavior he noted amongst the laundry owners – whenever he knocked the owners, they used to look at the sky before asking him to come the next day.

Listening this his senior smiled once and said that he is ‘on track’ and will soon get some good results. He never realized for once what his payment has to do with the sky! After almost 14 days, on a bright sunny monday morning he started visiting the laundry owners once again.

Though it was the monsoon season it didn’t rain heavily for the last three days. Suddenly by noon Ramesh realized that he has collected the payments from almost 50% of the owners which was almost unbelievable.
He worked hard through out the day and by the day end he had completed 90% of his target for June and July. He was very happy and so was his senior.

Yet he wondered what the sky has to do with the payment. Why the laundry owners used to look at the sky and tell him to come the next day? To solve this mystery he went to a laundry owner and asked the same question. The owner laughed at him and said “Son this is the month of monsoon and we have to wash the clothes, dry them off, iron them before handing them off to the customers. Now if the sun doesn’t shine how can we dry our clothes, earn money to pay you?”.

Ramesh recollected his memories and smiled at the owner and realized that it was his patience and endurance that kept him going and ultimately helped him achieve the pinnacle of success.


Saturday, 24 March 2012

The Ice & I

It's been almost two years since I started skating at Telford. I'd won a free skate at Telford Ice Rink and I was hooked. It took almost another year before I started professionally with my coach Sarah and now today I have an ice skating competition.

I learnt how to go forward, go backwards, to stop, to spin, to spin on one foot, to spiral, to jump and its all my training has come towards this one minute of skating

But just my luck though my leg hurts. But I'm still going to do this competition and I'm either going to win or I'm going to get one step closer to winning.When I go out on the ice today: It will be just me & the ice.

I'll tell you what happens.


Saturday, 17 March 2012


Life is just one big, long journey - almost like a road, but we have smaller journey's such as your GCSE or your Ice Skating, or in my dogs case how she escaped from a Welsh puppy farm.

You might now my dog, Roxi, she's a rescue dog and a German Shepard. We adopted Roxi four years in October when she was rescued, by an organisation, we were called by German Shepard rescue and we were looking for a new dog after Sadie, again another German Shepard rescue dog, had died at 14. Yet Roxi was in a lot worse condition: she had constantly been bred and left to lie in her own waste.

She was afraid of everything: cars, people, prams literally everything and she never barked. We later found out that her voice box was damaged from being kick and is developing catorax. But she's happy, happily walks by cars and she has now barked twice at my neighbour whilst he was mowing the lawn. She still freaks out with strangers in unknown places but otherwise she is a completely new dog.

So that was her journey... so far.


Saturday, 10 March 2012


In the UK we as minors, declared by the convention of children's rights (here) article 13, have the right to express ourselves and when someone tries to prevent us from our rights it annoys me.

At the moment our school is trying to make decisions about our school without any opinions of the pupils and their reasons because people (not even from our school) have complained that we are a fame academy. We are being forced to conform to what others want and in doing so they are ignoring the people that make up the school, us.
Woman offers a flower to police at Anti-Vietnam War protest

When we complained we were told they didn't care and that we don't have the right to protest: well actually we do. Some others have also said that they won't listen so there is no point but did that stop Gandi, did that stop Martin Luther King Jr; no it didn't.


Saturday, 3 March 2012


I don't really know how to write about something as basic as pain, its one of the most complicated emotions yet we always have it. Pain is designed to stop you from doing something stupid, physical pain anyway.

Mental pain is so much worse, mental pain is the hole you feel in your heart when you know you've failed, mental pain is when you feel worthless and alone and this is much, much worse then physical pain and that's why people don't write about it.

And for once I don't really have anything positive to say but what I can say is don't take it out on yourself because enough people will take it out on you already
Still Caring Kris.