Sunday, 24 June 2012

I Miss You

Hiya guys my name is Jamie Martin! Before I say anything else I just want so say how happy I am to take part in Kris' blog! (KRIS: Ha! He doesn't realise its the audience who judge's the post not me!) 

Before I tell you what song I have chosen and why you need to know a little bit about me. Basically I'm bisexual and I really like this guy. The song i have chosen is BLINK-182'S I Miss You. The reason I have chosen this song is because the lyrics really fit into the situation I'm in: the guy I like and I have had an argument recently that has made me feel like I don't ever want to see him again; yet that I still care about him like crazy.

To me the chorus of this song indicates mixed emotions towards someone. When the singer sings "don't waste your time on me, you're already a voice inside my head" it's as if he's telling someone that it's too late, they're nothing more to him than a memory. Then he follows with "I miss you...", as if contradicting the previous statement. It's like this person has been hurt so badly by the one he loves that he just wants to them to leave and yet all he can think about is how much he loves them.

This is why I believe that this song is the perfect song to describe my relationships and how people never really get over their previous lovers as they will always have feelings deep down for them.

So I hope that the song means as much as it does to me and you can see my point of view.


Sunday, 17 June 2012


Freedom group or Terrorist organisation? That is what I asked the Internet hacking group Anonymous during my several online interviews to different 'members' of their collective. I say the word members lightly because Anonymous has no social structure; it has no manager or no members, they work on their own but towards one central objective.

They take their name obviously from the adjective Anonymous; to be without a name. During my interview I spoke with a member of Anonymous since 2004 however what I did notice is that they speak in a way which attempts to confuse people using terms such as IRC (Internet Relay Chat) but I managed to keep up.

She sent me a copy of a Cyber-report published by the American Homeland Security which related to an attack on a Chinese University in which she had participated known as Team Ghost Shell. When I questioned the structure of Anonymous she responded with "Anonymous is kind of like a state or country... all different individuals with different ideas, sometimes they come together and mesh, sometimes they clash." She continued describing how sometimes it was beautiful and yet other times it was chaotic.

She also said that she was being watched by several agencies including FBI and some Chinese agents however the most concerning thing would be is that she had access to government mailing lists so I think perhaps the FBI need to pull their socks up a bit or be at risk of losing a lot of credibility.

She finished talking to me by telling me how if you don't have someone question you may begin to run riot so she still does has the seem opinions as me.

Don't let yourself be fooled by the editing of the video. They are just sitting in front of a green screen with the computer talking for them; anyone could do it.
However the second member I interviewed seemed to get quite angry with me and we managed to start to argue (for which I am renowned for doing) and when I asked him what
Kris: what makes you different to terrorists organisations such as Al Qaeda who also do things in ‘protest'?
Anon: We practise nonviolence
Anon: Although some would consider disrupting a server violent-
Kris: Yet the definition of a terrorist is not necessarily linked to violence but rather the practise of causing terror
Anon: Meh
Kris: Is that a no comment?

Right then I'm off to go and eat porridge I haven't eaten since 5 o'clock this morning and then I need to read Pride and Prejudice.

So its up to you: terrorists or rebels? An even scarier idea, however, is that they are both. Is that how humans gain freedom in the 21st century: through terrorism?

Until the next time,

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

KONY 2012

This is frankly an emergency broadcast which I feel cannot wait until Saturday because for every second we wait another invisible child is silenced.

I am of course talking about the horrific events caused by Joseph Kony - the leader of the LRA (Lord's Resistance Army) which is, lets be blunt, a terrorist organisation. He is wanted by the International Criminal Court and yet most the world don't know who he is. It is my hope and my dream as well as being the dream of millions of people.

Why do we wish that? He needs to be famous to be stopped, but one person could never do that?

"Who are you to end a war, but today I say who are you not to?" 
For many years to come human history will be blighted by events such as the holocaust or the Rwandan genocide and even though people knew it was going on - no one knew what we should do about it, but now we do.

The LRA kidnaps and abducts children, both male and female, in the night to force them to fight for a cause for which they do not believe. They are forced to mutilate other people including even their families.  We have to stop this, it is our duty, that is what we are meant to do. The video below is admittedly long and some people even claim that the video lies or tries to mislead you however it is my view that these interpretations are based on the assumptions of uneducated people without actual factual knowledge.

So recently I contacted my school regarding this issue and whether there is anything we can do to help which is the point where some people call me stupid or naive because I want to do something to stop this and that there's no point because one fourteen year old can't make a difference but it is my job today to tell you that I can and you can.

But what people forget is that the usage of the Internet in Europe since 2001 has grown by over 376.4% with over 2,267,233,742 people world using the Internet on December 31st 2011 and you can't say that is nothing.

We are at a major point in human history: will we let our mistakes repeat themselves once again - I won't, but what about you?

So today I ask and beg of you to pass on this message to your friends, to your family, to your school, to your colleges, to all you see. Share this post, this video.

Stand with me today, stand with me tomorrow, stand for those whose society has made invisible.

Kris Turner 

PS: For those who think that the LRA are no longer a threat I have two crucial pieces of evidence that prove you to be wrong.
  1. The ICC still lists Joseph Kony as wanted. The International Criminal Court is the court that is responsible for bringing criminals of war to justice. (
  2. You can track the attacks using the LRA Crisis Tracker which uses the EWRN (Early Warning Radio Network) (

Sunday, 10 June 2012


Hope you had a great holiday everybody, I woke up at like 5am this morning for skating practise at Coventry so I'm tired and all but I couldn't forget my amazing readers now can I?

For my holiday I went to Longleat, which is where Animal Park is filmed, where there's loads (and I mean loads) of animals, so these are just the pictures.

Click here to open the photo album

Loving you and leaving you,

PS: A New Perspectives will in fact be doing a radio show but there will be more information soon.

Friday, 1 June 2012


Smile: a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth. In some cases a smile can be seen around the eyes.
That's the definition of a smile, but a smile is so much more; it's a sign of happiness, it's a sign of joy. It's contagious and its an international symbol no matter where you come from in the world people know what it is.

Yeah! I can tell you're smiling at this...

Many biologists actually think the smile originated as a sign of fear. Some Primalogist (a person who studies primates) trace the smile to over 30 million years ago of evolution to the original smile which was thought to be a "fear grin" stemming from monkeys and apes who often used barely clenched teeth to show predators that they were harmless. 

Did you know that actually when I tell you to smile, it can actually be helping your mood - some scientists believe that smiling actually makes us happy. Try it, then try a frown and see if that makes you grumpy.

Which leads to another question that leaves some scientists another question: do we smile because we are happy or are we happy because we smile?

Useless Fact: Smiling is a signaling system that evolved from a need to communicate information of many different forms. One of these is advertisement of sexual interest. Female smiles are appealing to males, increasing physical attractiveness and enhancing "sex appeal. "

So this song is actually amazing but people in the UK have never really heard of it so we are going to see if we can change that the image on the right is the popularity concentration we are going to make sure that the UK turns green.


PS: To all my readers, have a nice holiday everybody! You're amazing!