Friday, 30 September 2011

Why I love animals

One thing I don't get about people (and not all of them) is their attitude towards animals. Now personally I adore animals, but some people believe that humans are dominant and that all others should stay at our feet.

In Cape Town, Africa (30th September 2011) Micheal Cohen was attacked by a shark (and is currently still in a critical condition) however several witness' stated that they saw a seal circling the man attempting to ward of the shark. At this point the water would have been full of blood and we all know how much sharks love blood and yet the seal stayed with the man until he was pulled from the water.

In New Zealand (30th October 2004) a pod of dolphins also protected several lifeguards (1 Male, 3 Female) from a shark attack. The following clippet has been taken from the CBC News Website

About halfway through the swim, a pod of dolphins "came steaming at us" and started circling, startling the swimmers, he said. The dolphins bunched the four swimmers together by circling about 4-8 centimetres from them, and slapping the water with their tails for about 40 minutes. One large dolphin became agitated and submerged toward Howes, who turned to see where it would surface. That, he says, is when he saw a great white shark about two metres away in the beach's crystal clear waters. When the shark started moving toward the women, including his 15-year-old daughter, the dolphins "went into hyperdrive," said Howes.
"I would suggest they were creating a confusion screen around the girls. It was just a mass of fins, backs and ... human heads." The shark left as a rescue boat neared, but the dolphins remained close by as the group swam back to shore. At no point did the shark break the surface of the water, remaining near the bottom, he said.

  -CBC Website

If you want more stories like this then this is an amazing website (Click here). But next time you think that an animal is beneath you and is good for nothing - I'd like to tell you, you're wrong.


Friday, 23 September 2011


I wasn't really going to write something like this, but I feel I have to, for everyone out there that has had it done to them.

Yes, I'm talking about when someone tries to take the pee. I mean really dude, no one is lauging (and if they are then to be honest I probably don't care what they think) so save yourself some dignity and SHUT UP! To be perfectly honest I don't really care what you think of me - so ssh! And what annoys me more when you know someone that is really nice and they get cut down at every turn because someone doesn't like them.

So what I'm really trying to say, give someone a break and just leave someone alone. And finally people, don't change who your as a person because of what someone says, because as Dr Seuss once said

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind, don't matter, and those who matter, don't mind.”

Thanks guys for sticking with me,


Friday, 16 September 2011

Shakespeare is a twit...

Every English students worse nightmare, the babbling nonsense of Mr. William Shakespeare.

Now don't get me wrong I love Shakespeare I would happily go to watch one of his plays but come on if most of your audience was idiots why would use language that's so advanced?

Well I know why but my English assessment would be a lot easier to write if he had considered me! If someone ever invents a time machine please send a copy of my blog to him - I would be most grateful.

So if you've got an English essay coming up about Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, or any other exams, good luck and remember - Kris believes in you!


Wednesday, 14 September 2011


Hi guys! If you know me then you probably know that I think Taylor Swift is amazing. Has anyone heard Taylor Swift song from her album "Speak Now"?

If you haven't then you have to listen to it below...

The song is not only catchy but most school kids will be able to relate to it (and it's true, trust me). I certainly can. Feel free to leave your comments below, I promise to read all of them or you can just send me an e-mail at

Thanks your amazing for reading the blog by the way!!!



Hi everyone, I've never wrote a blog before - so I might fail horribly. But regardless I'm trying anyway, at this moment in time I'm completely unprepared. I'm going to write what I feel and just let the flower bloom.

If your already in love with the blog then you can become a follower, this site will be built on you so I rely on your support.

Peace out.
